60 minutes; Discovery Channel avalanche documentary filmed by Pioneer Productions in England. Features dramatic avalanche footage and interviews with avalanche experts worldwide. Available from: Discovery Channel, 1-800-627-9399.
60 minutes; NOVA Video #WG2418N, 1997. Available at Channel 9 stores or WGBH Boston Video, PO Box 2284, South Burlington, VT 05407-2284. 1-800-255-9424, fax 802-864-9846, or http//www.wgbh.org. Cost $19.95.
90 minutes; 2-tape set Simitar #4668, 1997. Distributed by Simitar Entertainment, Inc., Plymouth MN 55447. http//www.simitar.com or from AlpenBooks, 3616 South Road C-1, Mukilteo WA 98275, 1-800-290-9898, fax 425-290-9461; #TTU149. Cost $11.50.
Avalanche Rescue Beacons, a Race Against Time
15 minutes; Available from: People Productions, 1630 N. 63rd St. Suite 7, Boulder, CO 80301. Cost $25.95 plus shipping and handling.
Not a Second to Waste
30 minute training film on avalanche rescue techniques at ski areas. Available from: Colorado Avalanche Information Center, 10230 Smith Rd., Denver, CO 80239. 303-371-1080.
Powder Bound…Live the Dream
Available from: Slice of Life Video Productions, Box 629, Golden, CO 80402. Shows extreme snowmobiling generally un-related to avalanches, but has live footage of a snowmobiler caught in an avalanche.
Riding Safely in Avalanche Country
30 minutes; 1998. The avalanche video for snowmobilers! Available from: Friends of the Sun Valley Avalanche Forecast Center, c/o Environmental Resource Center, PO Box 819, Ketchum, ID 83340 , or Department of Natural Resources Bookstore, 1594 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah and many local snowmobile retail shops in the US and Canada. Retailers can contact Western Power Sports at 1-800-799-3388 for purchasing. The cost is $15.95. For more information contact nac@sunvalley.net .
Rules of the Snow
50 minutes; 1998. A very well done video on snowmobile safety that contains a section on avalanches. Anyone who rides a snowmobile should watch this video! Available from: SavaFilm , Box 836, Wilson, WY 83014. 307-739-2256. Cost $24.95 plus $4 shipping and handling.
Violent Planet
25 minutes; National Geographic Explorer Series. Fall, 1995. An avalanche documentary filmed in Utah, Colorado, and Alaska. Features dramatic avalanche footage, interviews with avalanche experts and survivors. Available from: National Geographic Explorer Series, 1-800-647-5463. Cost $19.95.